What is the MahaRERA Estate Agent Certificate of Competency Exam? Who needs to undertake it?

MahaRERA (RERA- Maharashtra) has now made it mandatory for all estate agents in Maharashtra to get registered with MahaRERA. To get registered with MahaRERA, the estate agent needs to complete a training course for estate agents and pass the Certificate of Competency exam. The agent can apply for registration only after passing the exam.
This rule applies to existing real estate agents as well as those seeking entry into the field. It is also needed by sales staff from sales departments of real estate developers and sales staff working with real estate agents; essentially all the people who are directly involved in facilitating the sale or purchase of real estate and have to interact with customers for that.

What will happen to the existing MahaRERA estate agent registration?

The existing MahaRERA estate agent registration will remain valid only if the agent clears the MahaRERA Estate Agent Certificate of Competency Exam before September 1, 2023. If the estate agent is unable to clear before 1st September 2023, the agent will have to first clear the exam and then reapply for the registration (license).

What happens if a registered agent cannot clear the exam before 1st September 2023?

The agent's license to operate in Maharashtra will not stay valid. He/she will need to first clear the exam and then reapply for the license (registration with MahaRERA).

Can an estate agent appear for the exam without undergoing the training?

It is mandatory to undertake a 20 hours online training course conducted by authorised training partners of MahaRERA before appearing for the examination.

Why has MahaRERA introduced the CoC training course and examination?

Real estate agents are the public face and intermediaries between the home buyers /allottees and promoters. The Government believes that it is essential for real estate agents to have a comprehensive understanding of real estate transactions in order to guide the home buyers/allottees through each stage of the purchase of any plot, apartment unit or building so as to avoid any misunderstanding and disputes. The Government wants to bring in a level of consistency in the practices of real estate agents, enhance the agent’s knowledge and awareness of the regulatory and legal framework and enforce a code of conduct for real estate agents. For this purpose, the Government of Maharashtra has made it mandatory to undergo a twenty hours online course conducted by authorised training partners, so also, to undertake and clear the MahaRERA Estate Agent Certificate of Competency Exam.

Which certificate will an agent get after clearing this exam?

The agent will get the MahaRERA Estate Agent Certificate of Competency.

Is it a one-time certification?

No. The certification has to be renewed every five years. After five years the agent will need to undertake training again and clear the exam after that. This will help the agent to gain the latest knowledge about legal and other aspects of real estate every five years.

Is it applicable only to agents operating in Maharashtra? Or do agents based outside Maharashtra having real estate dealings in Maharashtra also need it?

Any real estate agent, sales team member of an estate agent’s firm, or sales team member of a real estate developer who deals with real estate in Maharashtra and interacts with customers needs to take the training and clear the exam.

Does non-sales staff (staff not interacting with the customer for the sale and purchase of real estate) need the CoC (Certificate of Competency)?

No. The other staff like the administrative staff, finance department staff, etc. in the real estate agent’s office or real estate developer’s office does not require to undertake this course and exam.

What are the areas of training and examination for the MahaRERA Estate Agent Certificate of Competency exam?

The syllabus focuses on the fundamental understanding of the regulatory and legal framework governing real estate. It also looks into technical aspects of engineering and architecture which an estate agent must know in order to conduct his/her business professionally. The course includes an overview of the soft skills necessary for real estate agents.

The examination is based on a set syllabus covered in the 20 hours of online training course conducted by the authorised training partners of MahaRERA.

The exam is conducted in which language/languages?

The exam is conducted in English and Marathi.

How many attempts can a candidate have for clearing the exam?

The candidate can get three attempts after going through the training course. If the candidate cannot clear in three attempts, he/she will need to attend the training course again.

Is it a single exam? What are the total marks allotted to the exam? What is the passing cut-off?

It is a hundred marks exam. The question paper consists of fifty multiple-choice questions of two marks each. A candidate has to score 40% marks to pass.

Is it an online exam?

Yes, it is an online exam. However, candidates will be allotted centres from where they have to physically appear for the exam.

Will fees need to be paid for every attempt?

Examination fees will need to be paid for every attempt.

Will fees need to be paid again to reattend the training course?

Yes, fees will have to be paid again if the training course needs to be repeated.

Who will be conducting and assessing the examination?

The examination will be conducted and assessed by the IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection).

Is NAR-INDIA (The National Association of Realtors - India) an authorised training partner of MahaRERA?

Yes, NAR-INDIA is an authorised training partner of MahaRERA for conducting the training for the MahaRERA Estate Agent Certificate of Competency examination.

What are the advantages of doing the course through NAR-INDIA R.O.U.T.E.?

NAR-INDIA (The National Association of Realtors - India) is a premier organisation of real estate agents in India and therefore has a first-hand understanding of the needs and viewpoints of estate agents. For over two decades, NAR-INDIA has been at the forefront of representing real estate agents in India and taking up their issues with all stakeholders including the government.

NAR-INDIA R.O.U.T.E. training course for the MahaRERA Estate Agent CoC exam is designed by IIRE, the educational wing of NAR-INDIA; and the training is conducted by Vayati Systems. Both IIRE and Vayati Systems have long years of experience in training real estate agents at various levels and in various aspects.

What is the duration of the NAR-INDIA R.O.U.T.E. training course?

As mandated by MahaRERA, the NAR-INDIA R.O.U.T.E. training course is a 20 hours live online course to be conducted in a span of five days.

What is covered in the NAR-INDIA R.O.U.T.E. training course?

MahaRERA has issued a handbook for the MahaRERA Estate Agent Certification of Competency Exam. The entire syllabus chalked out in the handbook is covered by the NAR-INDIA R.O.U.T.E. training course.

What is the training material for the course and exam?

You will receive a soft copy of the MahaRERA training material including syllabus after registering with R.O.U.T.E.

What is the teaching pattern followed by the NAR-INDIA R.O.U.T.E. training course?

The NAR-INDIA R.O.U.T.E. training course includes live teaching sessions, info-graphics, videos, study notes, and mock tests.

What is the language of instruction for the NAR-INDIA R.O.U.T.E. training course?

The course is conducted in English. Wherever feasible, the trainers will cooperate and explain in Hindi/Marathi in case of difficulty in comprehension. However, this multilingual assistance is limited in nature and does not mean that the course is conducted in multiple languages.

What are the course fees?

NAR-INDIA charges Rs. 5000/- + applicable taxes for the NAR-INDIA R.O.U.T.E. MahaRERA Estate Agent Training Course.

Does NAR-INDIA assist in the examination registration process?

NAR-INDIA R.O.U.T.E. gives the necessary guidelines and helps the candidates to fill up the examination form.

Is there any group discount or organisation discount?

The fee for every individual is Rs. 5000/- + applicable taxes. There is no discount available.

How much attendance is compulsory? Will recorded lectures be shared with the candidate in case a class is missed?

75% attendance is compulsory. We cannot share recorded lectures. However, we will be giving notes.

If you have any more queries, you can contact us at +917709133442 or can also --> write to us at [email protected].

You can also connect with MahaRERA at [email protected], [email protected] for more details.